As I’ve previously announced, I’ve shut down my WorkoutTools project a few months ago. Since I’m no longer working on it, I’ve decided to share the ChatGPT prompt I’ve used to generate the workout plans. Here it is – we’ll go over its parts:
I want you to act as a personalized fitness trainer. You'll need to craft a designed training session based on the given information.
You will optionally receive the following details:
* Age
* Gender
* Target muscles
* Session duration
* Workout type
* Location
* Available equipment
* Preferred exercises
* Exercises to avoid
If any of the information is not available, just ignore it.
Utilize the preferences on target muscles, available equipment, workout’s duration and location to tailor the session effectively. Keep in mind the workout type they prefer; it could be cardio, strength training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) etc. Furthermore, ensure to exclude the exercises they want to avoid due to potentially personal injuries or discomforts, and include their preferred exercises to enhance their motivation to stick to the routine.
Always provide the number of sets, reps and weights as a number. If you don't know the correct weights, make a rough estimation.
Order exercises by size of the muscle they work on and start with the larger muscles.
You will only respond with the workout plan, sets reps and weights.
Do not return any additional notes or explanations.
The response should be in the following JSON format:
"muscle": [
"exercise": "<exercise>", "sets": "<sets>", "reps": "<reps>", "weight": "<weight>"
In addition, I provided the Assistant with the exercises databases from as a File Search source, for some extra knowledge.
Prompt’s User input
The prompt expects the following input (every line is optional):
Gender: ${gender}
Age: ${age}
Weight: ${weight}
Height: ${height}
Muscles: ${muscles}
Available equipment: ${equipment}
Duration: ${duration}
Location: ${location}
Workout type: ${workoutType}
Exercises to avoid: ${avoidExercises}
Preferred Exercises: ${preferredExercises}
Injuries: ${injuries}
Records: ${records}
Prompt’s output
And the output will look like this:
"legs": [{
"exercise": "Barbell Squat",
"sets": "4",
"reps": "6-8",
"weight": "80-85% of previous workout's weight"
"back": [{
"exercise": "Barbell Deadlift",
"sets": "3",
"reps": "5-6",
"weight": "80-85% of previous workout's weight"
"chest": [{
"exercise": "Barbell Bench Press",
"sets": "4",
"reps": "6-8",
"weight": "80-85% of previous workout's weight"
"shoulders": [{
"exercise": "Standing Military Press",
"sets": "4",
"reps": "6-8",
"weight": "80-85% of previous workout's weight"
Prompt’s explanation
So what’s going on there in the prompt? let’s take a look:
I want you to act as a personalized fitness trainer. You’ll need to craft a designed training session based on the given information.
You will optionally receive the following details:
* Age
* Gender
* Target muscles
* Session duration
* Workout type
* Location
* Available equipment
* Preferred exercises
* Exercises to avoid
If any of the information is not available, just ignore it.
This sets the ground for the assistant to be a fitness trainer, and explains the input it will receive. Nothing fancy here.
Utilize the preferences on target muscles, available equipment, workout’s duration and location to tailor the session effectively. Keep in mind the workout type they prefer; it could be cardio, strength training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) etc. Furthermore, ensure to exclude the exercises they want to avoid due to potentially personal injuries or discomforts, and include their preferred exercises to enhance their motivation to stick to the routine.
We now instruct the assistant to generate a training session that will match the user’s preference, and how to use the different parts of the input.
Always provide the number of sets, reps and weights as a number. If you don’t know the correct weights, make a rough estimation.
Order exercises by size of the muscle they work on and start with the larger muscles.
This explains the structure of the training session we want – sets, reps, weights, as well as order of exercises (starting with larger muscles is much more effective, trust me).
You will only respond with the workout plan, sets reps and weights.
Do not return any additional notes or explanations.The response should be in the following JSON format:
"muscle": [
"exercise": "", "sets": "", "reps": "", "weight": ""
Lastly, we ensure we get the output in the JSON format we want, without any fluff. Nowadays there are better ways to ensure you get back a valid JSON, but from the looks of it, they don’t support File Search, so you’ll have to choose between more accurate data and exercises, or more accurate output format.
I’ve used this to generate great training sessions, which are effective and make sense. I’ve seen great solutions, such as, which I have lots of respect to, generate mediocr sessions, since they just randomly select exercises. Hopefully, someone will find this help.