Serilog sink for Azure Data Explorer

Use Serilog with Azure Data Explorer

With the recent release of the free tier of Azure Data Explorer, I’m finding myself thinking of more ways where Data Explorer might shine. Being part of the team that works on ADX, I use it regularly as a quick and powerful logs analytics system. Not only it allows me to query and analyze huge … Read more

Configuring Azure KeyVault using ARM

In my previous blog post, I showed how to create an Azure Data Explorer cluster using the armclient command line tool. Today, I’ll show how to configure an Azure KeyVault.

Creating an Azure Data Explorer cluster in ARM

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I work as part of Microsoft’s team responsible for Azure Data Explorer. Azure Data Explorer (ADX) is a fast, fully managed data analytics service for real-time analysis on large volumes of data streaming from applications, websites, IoT devices, and more. You can use Azure Data Explorer to collect, store, … Read more

Dice Roller Pro – a Unity3d Asset

Role Playing Games are aways popular, ever since computer games started. They started with console games and evolved along with the Dungeons and Dragons communities. One of the most common and well-known part of the D&D world, that has been implemented in RPG computer games, is the concept of die (as in – plural of … Read more

Best lesser known Asset Store Game Templates

The Unity Asset Store has many game templates ready to be used. Some of these templates are very well known, such as uMMORPG and UFPS : Ultimate FPS. This post brings you the best lesser-knowns game templates that I could find in the Asset Store. These are well built, complete and polished templates, that can jump … Read more

Survival Properties System – a Unity3d Asset

Survival Properties System Logo

Survival games appear to be the latest hype in the gaming development industry. In those games, players have to progress in the game, level up and combat, all while balancing a varying number of external and internal effect. For example, players might play an exile or a cast-away, trying to survival the forces of nature … Read more