After playing around in Unity3d for the last year, and releasing multiple games for Android (mostly based on existing templates, but also creating some from scratch), I’ve decided to release my own asset to the Unity3d Asset Store.
Find Differences is a game template for creating Find the differences games. The template consist of a randomizing engine, which allows creating different scenes in every play, as well as a sample scene and sample menu.
I’ve actually used the template to create a full game, with multiple scenes, but it quickly became clear that such a game will require a lot of graphic assets, which I don’t have (neither the skill to create, nor the budget to purchase), and so I decided to convert my project to a template. I’ve also targeted my game to kids, which made it quite hard to monetize.
The unique randomizing engine allows game creators to take a scene such as the one below:

And split it to it’s various elements, such as the globe, flag, shadows, etc:

With all the elements taken apart, the creator recreates the scene in the Unity3d editor, and for each element, marks the allowed changes. The more elements the scene is deconstructed into, the more options are available for the engine to randomize, making it more fun to play.
Currently, the engine support the following 4 changes:
- Hide – the element is completely removed from the scene
- Flip horizontally
- Flip vertically
- Colorize into one of the colors randomly selected from the list of provided colors
It should be fairly easy to implement additional change types, such as replacing one element with another (for example, replacing a smile with a frown, or changing an apple with an orange).
The asset is available for download in the Unity3d Asset Store: