Best Unity Performance tips for C# from a Cloud Developer

Unity Performance Profiler Feature

If you’re looking to improve the performance of your C# Unity game, there are many resources out there that talk about performance in Unity. These usually focus on things like better usage of the Unity APIs, better managing your objects, and reducing the size of your resources. Some articles also discuss better ways to write … Read more

WebDAVClient v1.1.4 Released

I’ve finally got around to merge some pull requests I’ve received for my WebDAV Client repository (and NuGet package). This release brings the library to version 1.1.4, and includes the following new features: Partial download and upload support (courtesy of phobeus) Copy file/folder (thanks to mkuennek) Over the last couple of months, I’ve seen a bit more … Read more

Working on a TV shows trivia game

Following my trivia games, I’ve decided to start working on a TV shows trivia. The first step of creating a trivia game, is to make sure I have enough data, and that I can represent it in a way that my engine can generate questions.Representing the data for TV shows as nodes in a graph … Read more

ObjectCache and RavenDB Changes

RavenDb provides a push notifications mechanism, named Changes API, that allows you to receive messages from a server about events that occurred there. This mechanism makes is extremely simple to create a ChangeMonitor class that can be used with CacheItemPolicy, in order to expire cache items when something happens on the server (such as a document being … Read more

Playing with Google Charts and experiencing in web development

Background Over the last several months, I’ve been playing around more and more with web development. Until now, I’ve spent most of that time reading blogs and tutorials. I’ve decided that now’s the time to start actually writing something. For one of my ideas, I wanted to allow users to create a tree diagram dynamically. … Read more

Cap’n Proto – a call to action

Cap'n Proto Logo

Marc Gravell is a valued associate in StackOverflow, so I make sure to follow his blog – thisguy knows what he’s doing (he’s the main contributor to, StackExchange.Redis and protobuf-net). Over the weekend, Marc wrote about a project called Cap’n Proto – a new serialization protocol, implemented by the same guy that developed Protobuf at … Read more

MurmurHash – a FAST hashing algorithm

As I did my research on HyperLogLog, I used the built-in MD5 HashAlgorithm.As I was running my tests on larger and larger datasets, the running time grew too much to my liking. A hash function is any function that can be used to map data of arbitrary size to fixed-size values. The values returned by … Read more

HyperLogLog – a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm

UPDATE: My implementation is no longer updated. I strong suggest you take a look at Microsoft’s CardinalityEstimator project, which implements the HyperLogLog algorithm, along with a few optimizations Over the last several months I’ve been immersing myself further and further into the big data world, and into developing and operating a SaaS. I’ve been trying … Read more