Find Differences Complete Game Template Unity Asset


Find Differences Complete Game Template is a full Unity template that gives you a quick and easy way to create a Find the Differences game (also known as Spot the Difference), along with a menu to select levels, purchasable levels, and a randomizer to ensure unique user experience.


  • Fully commented C# code.
  • Perfect for creating games for kids and adult alike
  • Contains a fully working example, with multiple random elements!
  • Contains randomization engine, which ensures a unique experience and levels
  • Supports various element changes:
    • Hide
    • Move
    • Colorize
    • Scale up/down
    • Flip vertical/horizonal
  • Easily customizable to support new types of differences.
  • Unity Ads integration for banners and interstitial ads
  • Music, Sounds and Vibration support, along with options dialog
  • Works on all platforms, PC, Mac, iOS, Android, etc.

Purchase the Find Differences Complete Game Template Unity Asset here >>



how to make a Spot the Difference game

How to add a new level

Each level consists of a PhotoInfo object, which has a Prefab to the image, a default Halo prefab, and the number of random changes to generator during gameplay.

The level’s prefab image consists of a collection of GameObjects that recreates the final image. Each game object can have the Changeable script, which defines the list of changes that can be applied to the part.

NOTE: For components to work correctly, make sure they also include a trigger Collider component.

For example, looking at the “Astronaut” template, you can see that the image was separated into multiple parts that can be modified – Starts, Moons, parts of the rocket, etc. The Stars parts have the “Hide” change type enabled. On the other hand, the Moon parts have the “Move” and “Colorize” change types enabled.

Playing a scene

When an image is selected, the Game scene is loaded. The Randomizer script will apply a few changes to the selected image (based on the image’s supported number of changes), based on the following algorithm:

  1. Select a random part
  2. Apply a random change (based on part’s supported changes)
  3. Apply changes to parent/child parts (as needed)
  4. Repeat until enough changes are applied

Currently, the following changes are supported:

  • Hide: Completely hides the part
  • Flip Vertical: Flips the part vertically
  • Flip Horizontal: Flips the part horizontally
  • Colorize: Changes the color of the part to one of the predefined colors
  • Move: Changes the position of the part to one of the predefined positions
  • Scale: Changes the scale of the part to one of the predefined scales