Popup Text Unity Asset

Popup Text is a utility script that allows you to easily add pop up text to your games.

Perfect for FPS and Survival games.

One common theme of Survival and MMORPG games, is the need to notify the player that something happened. Be it that damage was inflicted to an enemy, or that the player has picked up some resources. The most popular way to do so, is to temporarily show the user a popup text. Sometimes, the text appears alongside an icon (such as an image representing the resource that was picked up). Almost always, the text moves upwards and fades away after a few seconds.

Popup Text includes a script to handle pop up texts:

  • Supports TextMesh, Meshes and Images
  • Supports Text and Icon combination
  • Supports delayed and timed fade away
  • Supports force-facing text to (any) camera

The asset includes a sample scene with ongoing damage/heal/spell pop-ups, on-click damage pop-ups, and pick up on-click popups.

Purchase Popup Text from the Unity Assets Store here >>



How to use Popup Text

Create your Prefab

Create a new game object, and assign it the Pop Up Script.

Configure the look-and-feel of the popup text:

  • If you plan to use only a simple text, add a TextMesh component, and set the values for text/font/color/etc.
  • If you plan a combination of Text and Image, add 2 new child game objects:
    • One object for the text with a TextMesh component
    • A second object with the relevant Image component
Popup Text Screenshot

Configure the behavior of the popup text:

  1. If you’d like the popup text to be automatically destroyed after some time, enable the “Auto Destroy” feature and set the delay:
  2. If you’d like the popup text to move, enable the “Default Velocity” feature, and:
    • Add a Rigidbody component for the game object, and disable the “Use Gravity” option
    • Configure the direction and velocity you’d like the object to move
  3. If you’d like the popup text to automatically fade away, enable the “Auto Fade” option, and set the delay and duration of the fading.
  4. If you need the text to face the camera, check the “Face Camera” feature, and optionally set the camera (otherwise, the main Camera is used).

Configure emitting of Popup Text

Use one of the samples or write your own logic for emitting a popup text Prefab. The sample project comes with 3 useful samples:

  • Ongoing emission – Emit popup text objects at a fixed rate
  • Emit on click – Simulating an enemy taking damage when attacked
  • Emit on pickup – Simulating a resource being picked up by the player