I’ve recently posted about adding a dynamic sitemap to a ShipFa.st website. The main idea was to add support for including the blog posts by exposing a GET endpoint at app/server-sitemap.xml/route.ts
and include the returned page in the main sitemap.xml
While I still think this is a viable and good solution for full dynamic sitemaps, it’s a bit of an overkill for the blog posts. It was pointed out to me that there’s a much simpler solution: You can use NextJS’s generateStaticParams method to statically generate the blog post pages. This will result in 2 side effects:
- Blog Post pages will be statically generated, which will result in faster loading of the pages, since they were generated at build time, instead of runtime.
- Blog Post pages will be included automatically in the generated
Here’s how you can do that – in the app/blog/[articleId]/page.tsx
page add the following snippet:
1 2 3 4 5 | export function generateStaticParams() { return articles.map((article) => ({ articleId: article.slug })) } |
This tells NextJS to generate a static page for each article.
That’s it – simple an clean.
Obviously, you can do the same for the categories page at app/blog/category/[categoryId]/page.tsx
1 2 3 4 5 | export function generateStaticParams() { return categories.map((category) => ({ categoryId: category.slug })) } |
And the authors page, at app/blog/author/[authorId]/page.tsx
1 2 3 4 5 | export function generateStaticParams() { return authors.map((author) => ({ authorId: author.slug })) } |
I’ve submitted a PR to Marc – let’s hope he approves it: https://github.com/Marc-Lou-Org/ship-fast-ts/pull/71