Over the last few months, I’ve been working on WorkoutTools – an AI tool to help trainers get more out of their training session. The tool allows users to provide many details about themself, and how they want to train, and WorkoutTools will craft them the perfect training session.
WorkoutTools support an ever increasing amount of details that the users can provide:
- Personal details, such as gender, age and weight/height
- Session details – duration, training type (such as cardio, functional or powerlifting)
- Muscles they’d like to focus on, lick biceps, abs or legs (after all, not EVERY day is leg-day)
- Available equipment – some exercises require a barbell, while others rely on dumbell
- Exercises they like, or want to avoid (I, for one, could never perform a bent over)
- Injuries they might have
WorkoutTools is built on top of ShipFa.st, with a specially training ChatGPT assistant. It took me a while to come up with a user interface that works for gathering all the details, without overwhelming the user. It also allows me to continue to expand it over time, adding more details.

I’m working on adding more values to my customers, with the addition of historical suggestions, and a complete database of exercises. I’ve also included a few free tools such as Wilks calculator and 1RM estimator (I’ll add more as time passes – they are a great way to drive traffic)